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Star-Brite Learning Program Follows NAEYC and HeadStart Guidelines for Child Education

E002813At Star-Brite Learning Program, we understand the importance of education for children. We recognize that how a child is taught will affectHead Start Standards their ability to learn, comprehend, and apply information. For that reason, Star-Brite makes sure that our programs and curriculum adhere to the standards and guidelines provided by the National Association for the Education for Young Children (NAEYC) and HeadStart. For your convenience, these guidelines are listed below with a side-by-side comparison of how our programs measure up.

The HeadStart Framework represents the foundation of the Head Start Approach to School Readiness. It aligns with and builds from the five essential domains of school readiness identified by the National Education Goals Panel (see inner circle) and lays out essential areas of learning and development. The Framework can be used to guide curriculum, implementation, and assessment to plan teaching and learning experiences that align to school readiness goals and track children’s progress across developmental domains. The domains and domain elements apply to all 3 to 5 year olds in Head Start and other early childhood programs, including dual language learners and children with disabilities. Click here read how Star-Brite Learning Program aligns with the Head Start Framework (Learning Objectives SB Version).  Click on the image on the right to see the the Head Start’s Framework.

NAEYC Guidelines Star-Brite Learning Program
  1. The curriculum has an articulated description of its theoretical base that is consistent with prevailing professional opinion and research on how children learn.
Our curricula are based on current learning theory. Our development team draws upon current educational theory, as well as their own experience with young children. All suggested activities and materials promote the learning process. A balance of teacher- and child-facilitated activities help children learn.
  1. Curriculum content is designed to achieve long-range goals for children in all domains—social, emotional, cognitive, and physical—and to prepare children to function as fully contributing members of a democratic society.
We offer activities that develop the whole child. Our program helps teachers facilitate development in language, literacy, mathematics, science, social and emotional development, approaches to learning, physical health and development, and creative arts. The children are provided with structured learning, as well as opportunities to explore on their own.
  1. Curriculum addresses the development of knowledge and understanding, process and skills, dispositions and attitudes.
We provide activities that encourage learning in a developmentally appropriate manner. Each month’s activities are designed to build on previously introduced concepts. Our program utilizes games, structured activities, stories, and crafts to present educational concepts in a way that makes learning fun for young children.
  1. Curriculum addresses a broad range of content that is relevant, engaging, and meaningful to children.
Our program’s themes are based on areas of general interest to pre-school children. Our curricula expands upon topics young children are familiar with, and introduces new concepts in fun, innovative ways to keep young children interested. The program is developed to allow teachers the flexibility to incorporate individual interests and utilize community resources.
  1. Curriculum goals are realistic and attainable for most children in the designated age range for which they were designed.
Our learning program is designed for children ranging in age from 3 to 5 years old. The curricula is designed to meet the needs of early child development in the areas of large and fine motor skills, early language and reading skills, visual and auditory skills. A variety of activities are introduced each month to meet these goals. Teachers are provided with options, and encouraged to make adjustments, to be sure the activities meet the needs of each child.
  1. Curriculum content reflects and is generated by the needs and interests of individual children within the group. Curriculum incorporates a wide variety of learning experiences, materials and equipment, and instructional strategies to accommodate a broad range of children’s individual differences in prior experience, maturation rates, styles of learning, needs, and interests.
We provide a variety of materials for teachers and children to develop interest, encourage interaction, meet individual needs, and address various learning styles. Our program offers teachers curricula, games, and crafts reinforcing the month’s themes. The variety of materials provided allows the teachers to customize the program to meet every child’s learning style.
  1. Curriculum respects and supports individual, cultural, and linguistic diversity. Curriculum supports and encourages positive relationships with children’s families.
We encourage positive relationships with families through a variety of information and learning materials the children take home to share with their families.
  1. Curriculum builds upon what children already know and are able to do (activating prior knowledge) to consolidate their learning and to foster their acquisition of new concepts and skills.
The skills and concepts in our program are developed sequentially, with each new skill based upon a previous skill. The program builds upon prior learning activities, and offers many opportunities for reviewing previous concepts. This helps to strengthen the child’s learning base.
  1. The curriculum provides conceptual frameworks for children so that their mental constructions based on prior knowledge and experience become more complex over time.
Our program introduces new concepts through the teacher. When a concept is introduced, the curricula provides teachers with a written plan, backed up with a variety of appropriate activities, reinforcing the new concept.
  1. Curriculum allows for focus on a particular topic or content, while allowing for integration across traditional subject matter divisions by planning around themes and/or learning experiences that provide opportunities for rich conceptual development.
Our program offers monthly themes that interest young children. Each month’s theme serves as a backdrop to incorporate traditional learning methods to make the learning interesting for the children.
  1. The curriculum content has intellectual integrity; content meets the recognized standards of the relevant subject matter disciplines.
Our program provides activities and materials that reflect current research in early child development.
  1. The content of the curriculum is worth knowing; curriculum respects children’s intelligence and does not waste their time.
Our curricula is reviewed for accuracy, interest and meaning. Early program topics relate to the children’s experiences, and also introduces new concepts. Each month’s theme serves as a creative way to introduce the primary goals of developing the skills and attitudes needed to help the children become successful learners.
  1. Curriculum engages children actively, not passively, in the learning process. Children have opportunities to make meaningful choices.
We offer both teacher-led, and child-initiated, learning activities. Children are engaged during all lessons through hands-on activities and materials. The children are encouraged to participate in teacher-led, child-initiated, play.
  1. Curriculum values children’s constructive errors and does not prematurely limit exploration and experimentation for the sake of ensuring “right” answers.
Our program provides teachers with guidance to accept children’s thoughts on concepts without judging them as right or wrong. The children are encouraged to experiment with different media and learn at their own pace.
  1. Curriculum emphasizes the development of children’s thinking, reasoning, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities.
Our program provides daily opportunities for children to be involved in a variety of activities, including:
  • Retelling stories
  • Problem-solving using manipulatives
  • Sequencing activities
  1. Curriculum emphasizes the value of social interaction to learning in all domains and provides opportunities to learn from peers.
Our program is structured to develop young children’s social/emotional skills. Group activities are structured to encourage the children to work together, and learn from each other, as well as the teacher. These activities help develop teamwork and cooperation.
  1. Curriculum is supportive of children’s physiological needs for activity, sensory stimulation, fresh air, rest, hygiene, and nourishment/elimination.
Our program offers appropriate daily schedules for preschool children. The program allows for interactive worksheets, crafts, games, and snacks that reinforce the day’s lesson. Additionally, hygiene activities are also incorporated, such as washing hands and brushing teeth.
  1. Curriculum protects children’s psychological safety. Children feel happy, relaxed, and comfortable rather than disengaged, frightened, worried, or stressed.
Our program offers a supportive preschool experience. Our curricula provides activities and materials that promote safety, security, and belonging.
  1. The curriculum strengthens children’s sense of competence and enjoyment of learning by providing experiences for children to succeed from their point of view.
Our program involves children in the world around them by offering projects that are of interest to them. The program is developed to give the children feelings of success, build confidence, and let them experience the joy of learning.
  1. The curriculum is flexible so teachers can adapt to individual children or groups.
Each lesson in our learning program offers teachers the opportunity to decide which activities are appropriate for the children’s level of development. Teachers are encouraged to customize the materials to accommodate different learning styles.

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